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easy 6 ingredient one pot tortellini primavera soup

Preparing fresh wholesome food for your family doesn’t have to be hard! This 6 ingredient one pot tortellini primavera soup is filled with vegetables and so easy to prepare – it’s a dish the whole family will love. Thank you Buitoni for sponsoring this post. Check out Buitoni's no GMO, clean label, vegetable-infused pastas and sauces to create a dinnertime experience everyone will enjoy.

pumpkin crepes with beer and cinnamon apples and a chocolate drizzle #divineinnyc

pumpkin crepes with beer and cinnamon apples and a chocolate drizzle #divineinnyc Pumpkin crepes are topped with cinnamon and pumpkin beer-stewed apples and a milk chocolate drizzle! When you decide to take on, oh, only your biggest cooking fear of all time. Breaking open a beer at 11AM. Required. In my defense, it was 5PM in Paris. The land of crepes. (And wine. And cheese. And croissants. And ALL THE DELICIOUSNESS. Where no one ever gets fat.) So there. After my failed crepe cake disaster of August 2012 that left me covered in batter with crepe shreds all over my kitchen, it was really a miracle I didn’t break out the tequila in preparation for this. (Crepe pre-gaming? I’m sure there’s a drinking game in here somewhere.) So what was my secret for going from the Jackson Pollack version of these thin pancakes to a perfectly coiffed plate of pumpkin deliciousness? Truth? I cheated. I took a little poll on facebook as to what everyone else’s secret

mango white chocolate ganache macarons

mango white chocolate ganache macarons Get a taste of the tropics with these mango white chocolate ganache macarons! Their crisp almond shell gives way to a creamy, fruity decadent ganache filling . Mangoes, mangoes, everywhere!! In my apartment, that is, because I may or may not have stumbled across a 5 for $5 deal… …and bought twenty. TWENTY. Someone needs to restrain me. Normally I’m actually quite super at ignoring sales (the.boy is like, ummm  yeah  I KNOW) and resisting the urge to buy all the things just because they’re buy one get one free when I know we won’t use them in this lifetime. But mangoes aren’t just  anything . They are my one true weakness in life. My fruit love. GIVE ME MY (*sale priced*) MANGOES OR GIVE ME DEATH. If I lived in a place where one could own a car without going bankrupt, that would be my bumper sticker. (<–REAL LIFE.) So I ignored everything I know to be true about the rate of mango spoilage and my ability to inhale them at an alarming but still no

chocolate and peanut butter oreo icebox cake

chocolate and peanut butter oreo icebox cake The ultimate for chocolate and peanut butter lovers, this chocolate and peanut butter oreo icebox cake comes together super easily and doesn’t even require you to turn on the oven! The truth about cake baking in my life right now is: (a) I REALLY REALLY WANT TO DO IT. But, (b) there is just no time for anything that requires actually turning on an oven, waiting for it to heat, waiting for butter to soften, yada yada yada because by the time I actually get around to all of that, Remy’s twenty minute nap ( le sigh ) is over and she’s already onto fighting the next one. Cue the NO BAKE CAKE. Or the icebox cake, which sounds so much less sexy and amazing than it actually is. And yes, I do consider peanut butter frosting layered on chocolate frosting, layered on OREOS to be sexy. So there. The recipe for this is originally from the Life, Love, and Sugar blog. Lindsay’s creations always make me drool and her photos do way more justice to just how

peanut butter and jelly macarons

peanut butter and jelly macarons Fancy French pastry meets America’s favorite sandwich in these peanut butter and jelly macarons! Trashing up macarons with America’s most cherished childhood sandwich has to be all kinds of illegal. It’s a good thing I’m dead set on The.Boy and I going to Italy for our honeymoon, because after these? I’m pretty sure France has put out some kind of emergency warrant for my arrest. Not only are my macs slightly hollow on the insides, somewhat cracked and deformed on the outsides, with feet that wax and wane with each 90 degree turn of the cookie. (All of which  might  have been forgivable, and chalked up to me being a “silly American”.) But I PB&J-ED THEM. And  WHAT  do I have to say for myself? #sorrynotsorry I stand by that. So maybe these are not the most fairytale-perfect macs on the planet, but they are dang delicious. Even more so because you don’t know what to expect until you bite into them. You can tell right off the bat that they have a pean